This means that over 90% of the Bible is subject to the opinions and cultural influences of those who wrote it. Are you familiar at all with a Red Bible? It is a copy of the Bible where all direct quotes from Jesus are printed in red and all other words in black-more than 90% of a Red Bible is black print. That leaves a lot of room for error, especially in light of the fact that the Bible was written by humans (whom are inherently imperfect according to your beliefs).

I wonder if you are aware that most sections of the Bible were written as many as 200 years after the ascension of Jesus. Correct me if I am mistaken, but isn’t your God’s wish that each person come to her of their own volition? If nothing but obediance to pre-set rules is required, what then is the purpose of life? You proclaim that the Bible is God’s ultimate truth and that any writings against the holy scripture (even the Qur’an, which includes both the New and Old Testament) are “wrong”.

Why do you feel they are “evil” and dangerous? Perhaps because people may change their minds about religion after reading them? If this is so, you say that your religion does not allow freedom of thought nor disagreement with your beliefs. I respect the fact that you have an opinion on this and express it openly, however, your claims that the books are “false doctrine of devils” and “very unsafe in anyone’s hands” are not supported. I noticed you are not a fan of the books or beliefs in the CwG series. My name is _ and I am a devotee of the Conversations with God philosophy.